Hey all,
Sorry I have neglected this lately, I have been bogged down with school and computer troubles, both both are over now, so i should be posting here more regularly!
So summertime news:
The UVSS has a new health plan. This is a pretty big thing that we've been working on over the summer, and the details have all now been finalized. It is a much better deal for students than the previous deal. We will now have better coverage, including vision and travel insurance, and next year it will cost students less money. There will be communications sent out to all UVic students in the fall, so look out for it. I wanted to link to it on the website, but it's not there, nor are we registered into Student Care's system yet. Hopefully this gets sorted out soon.
There will be a garden built in front of the SUB! I wish I could claim some amount of credit for this as I was working on a garden proposal, but alas, all the work and planning for this garden was done before my time. I am pleased to say that this is even better than the garden I was trying to make happen, so I'm very excited about it. Look for the ground breaking to happen either near the end of the fall semester or the beginning of the spring semester.
The SUB now has a slurpee machine in SUBText, go buy slurpees and then get your teeth checked using the health plan!
I am now working at the UVic Bookstore. Come by and say hi while you stock up on your textbooks.
More has definitely happened but that's all I can think of. I promise to write more in depth about some issues soon.
Rob McDonald
wideeyecinema.com is a website that is all about documentaries (and not quite documentaries) for things raging from health to conspiracy theories. Definitely worth checking out, if only just to see the all the stuff that is out there.