On Thursday and Friday the UVSS had their court date against the CFS to try to procure a referendum on our continued membership with the CFS. I was only able to attend the proceedings for a short time on the first day, for complete coverage, go here. I am glad, however, that I was able to witness the part of the proceedings that I did.
What happened while I was there was the CFS tried to get an affidavit accepted regarding an alleged debt owed by the UVSS to the CFS. The problem was, they only filed the affidavit on Tuesday, even though they have been conceivably aware of the debt since 1999, and certainly since May. The judge rightfully threw the affidavit out because the CFS had no reason to delay the submission of the affidavit for so long for any purpose than to try to disadvantage the UVSS.
My longstanding position on the CFS is that I supported our right to have a referendum (though my mind has changed many times on how to go about doing that), but would vote to stay within the CFS because I feel the services they offer are worth the money we pay to them. However, the dirty and petty games played by the CFS during this process, as evidenced by the affidavit issue, has moved me more in the direction of not wanting to be in the CFS. I don't like being part of an organization that pulls underhanded tactics that the CFS is trying to use. I think that until the CFS can fix its heirarchical, autocratic, and ethical issues, it might be best for the UVSS to leave the organization.
Perhaps if in the future, the CFS can become a more democratic organization that gives it's members more powers to decide their own fates, the UVSS can look at rejoining. In the meantime, I feel that we should take a stand and say this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and we don't want to be part of it.
Rob McDonald
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